
Trezor and Ledger Support Requests

April 4, 2019
Trezor and Ledger Support Requests

In the recent year the Bytecoin devs have been striving to make Bytecoin software not only more technologically advanced, but also more convenient to use. This has flourished  into the web wallet, the mobile app, new partners joining the Bytecoin ecosystem and the Bytecoin Gateway concept. Hardware wallets are next on the roadmap.

Hardware wallet integration is an important task for the Bytecoin Team - they will make using Bytecoin software noticeably more convenient and secure. Today the Bytecoin devs have submitted their requests for approval to cryptocurrency hardware wallet manufacturers Tezor and Ledger. It is now up to Trezor and Ledger to review the code submitted by the Bytecoin devs and provide details for further integration. The team has already been in contact with Ledger, while the corresponding issue has been opened in the Trezor repository.

It is important to note that software development is an iterative process - some code tweaking may be requested by the hardware wallet manufacturers so that the code fits their specifications. Nevertheless, we are hoping to natively appear on Trezor and Ledger devices sometime soon.

Best regards,

The Bytecoin Devs

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